About the Journal

Focus and Scope

La Revista Mexicana de Ingeniería Biomédica (The Mexican Journal of Biomedical Engineering, RMIB, for its Spanish acronym) is a publication oriented to the dissemination of knowledge of the Mexican and international scientific community whose lines of research are aligned to the improvement of the quality of life through biomedical engineering techniques.
The RMIB is an electronic publication continuously released since 2020, structured into three volumes (January, May, September) by the Mexican Society of Biomedical Engineering, founded since 1979. It publishes articles in Spanish and English and is aimed at academics, researchers and professionals interested in the subspecialties of Biomedical Engineering.
Publications accepted by the RMIB includes research articles, review articles, technical notes, editorials, and outstanding works that have been awarded with prizes in national or international conferences.
The papers that are considered for being published in the RMIB must be original works, unpublished, and state of the art, and they can cover the areas of Medical Instrumentation, Biomedical Signals, Medical Information Technology, Biomaterials, Clinical Engineering, Physiological Models, and Medical Imaging as well as lines of research related to various branches of engineering applied to the health sciences, and Areas of study that can be published about Biomedical Engineering according to the World Health Organization.

Areas of study that can be published about Biomedical Engineering according to the World Health Organization.

The Revista Mexicana de Ingeniería Biomédica uses the APC (Article Processing Charges) funding method*

*please consult Processing free for more information.

Indexes, catalogs and databases

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