
Login or Register to make a submission.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • RMIB Application letter (available at the "Author guidelines" section).
  • Anonymous version of the article using the Word template of the RMIB (available at the "Author guidelines" section).
  • The Figures and/or Tables used in the article were sent.
  • Make sure the original file does not exceed 8 MB.
  • If you have worked with living organisms, their parts, derivates, GMO’s, or humans you need to provide a letter of approval issued either by the ethics, bioethics, or animal welfare committees of your institution of affiliated or a competent authority.

Author Guidelines


The RMIB does not charge an article submission fee. However, in the event that the article is accepted for publication, first author will be charged with a publication fee as follows:

Non-members MXN $ 7,500 *              Members MXN $ 5,000 *

* These costs include value added tax.


Any manuscript submitted to the RMIB must be original and not published or submitted elsewhere even during the review process period. In order to avoid plagiarism or duplication of the contributions submitted, all the works under review will be tested using electronic tools (i.e. iThenticate). In this case, if any kind of plagiarism or duplicate publication should be detected, we will take actions immediately, these actions may correction or the complete rejection of the manuscript.  


The RMIB uses the Open Journal on Line System to submit an article for review. In case of problems with the online platform, please send us an email to:


In order to submit a contribution You must login to the RMIB OJS site; you will need a username and password.

If you are not already registered, you can register by clicking here and following the registration instructions.

If you have any problems with the online platform, please contact RMIB at the email address previously mentioned.


Before submitting a manuscript, please make yourself sure that you have all the necessary documents for submission and that they meet the requirements mentioned by the RMIB in the "Guide for Authors" section.

To submit a new manuscript, go to "My List" and click on "New Submission" (on the right side of the screen) and follow the instructions.

The submission process has 5 different steps. To go from one step to the next, click on the “Save” button and then click “continue”.

We recommend you to have an original electronic file available, so that you can copy and paste the title and summary into the required fields, so this wat you ensure that all the information matches equally.

Finally, you will receive an e-mail confirming the submission of the manuscript and a second message via email in which you will find an attached file containing a letter of receipt from the RMIB confirming the status of your contribution.

If you do not receive any of the email messages above mentioned, please contact us at the following email address

Privacy Statement

The names, email addresses, and/or other personal information provided to our journal’s website will be used exclusively for the indicated purposes and will not be available for any other purpose nor to any other individual or site.