La Norma UNE 60601-2-24 una herramienta del siglo XXI para la selección, asistencia técnica y calibración de equipos de perfusión


  • Joaquín Lejeune C
  • Mariano Solán M



The standard UNE-EN 60601-2-24 “Particular requirements for the security of pumps and infusion controllers” is presented as the best guarantee of accuracy and security for infusion equipment. In the present paper, the parameters, variables, and plots that characterize typical infusion equipment are indicated, explaining how they should be understood and which devices are necessary for obtaining them. This paper describes the tests and precision experiments described in standard UNE-EN by means of real situations. Moreover, suitable procedures are proposed for comparison between equipment, for control during technical assistance and for calibration.


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How to Cite

Lejeune C, J., & Solán M, M. (2003). La Norma UNE 60601-2-24 una herramienta del siglo XXI para la selección, asistencia técnica y calibración de equipos de perfusión. Revista Mexicana De Ingenieria Biomedica, 24(1), 23–26. Retrieved from



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