Call for Papers for Special Issue on Technological Advances and Innovation in Health
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Peer review process
The manuscripts submitted for publication in the Revista Mexicana de Ingeniería Biomédica will be reviewed by two independent referees at least, selected by an associated editor. This process is carried out under the double-blind modality, where the identity of both, authors and reviewers will be anonymous.
Principles for Peer Revision
Peer revision is one of the most important and critical elements for the publication of scientific papers; this should ensure the excellence of research published by the Revista Mexicana de Ingeniería Biomédica (RMIB, for its Spanish acronym).
The submitted manuscript is always considered a confidential document. Therefore, no one is authorized to share the manuscript without the explicit permission of the Editor-in-Chief, who should request permission from the authors if necessary.
For a quality revision, at least two arbiters are consulted, and their identity will not be revealed. The comments and recommendations of the copy editors should be shared only with the authors, possibly with other copy editors, and the Editorial Board of the RMIB.
Our copy editors should note the following points before agreeing to revise an article:
Revision of an Article on the Platform
La Revista Mexicana de Ingeniería Biomédica uses the OJS platform for the submission and revision of articles. You must log in to the OJS of the RMIB. If you are not yet registered, you can register here and follow the instructions. Once registered, please complete the “profile” section which consists of six sections. This information will help us to more easily select articles that you can revise.
In case you have any problems with your account, please send an email to
Revising an article is a confidential process. Therefore, the manuscript can not be revealed. If you consider it necessary to know the opinion of other colleagues to help you with the revision of the article, please ask the editorial board of the RMIB for permission.
For the revision of the manuscript, the following aspects must be taken into account:
Ethical aspects
Submission of judgment to the Editor
The RMIB uses an electronic form within the OJS platform which will be enabled once you accept to be a copy editor of an article. This form consists of five sections; the first four sections are composed of questions that should be answered clearly and concisely taking into account the important aspects mentioned above. However, in the last section you will be able go into depth and broaden your revision making recommendations for the authors; it is important to make it clear if your comments reflect a personal opinion or are based on other published papers. Also, remember that revisions should be constructive and polite, always respecting the intellectual independence of the author. Copy editors should avoid personal comments; the RMIB reserves the right to correct comments that may hinder the constructive discussion of the manuscripts.
Finally, you must select a final judgment:
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Authors can submit their manuscripts through the Manuscript Tracking System at:
A publication of the Sociedad Mexicana de Ingeniería Biomédica
©2024 Revista Mexicana de Ingeniería Biomédica Privacy policy
The REVISTA MEXICANA DE INGENIERÍA BIOMÉDICA is a quartely published Journal edited by Sociedad Mexicana de Ingeniería Biomédica A.C., Juan Vázquez de Mella 481, piso 2, Local 200, Polanco I Sección, Miguel Hidalgo, Ciudad de México, Z.P. 11510, México. Teléfono (55) 5574-4505, Email: . Editor-in-chief: Dora-Luz Flores. Copyright no. 04-2020-022012474000-102, ISSN (printed version) 0188-9532; ISSN (online version) 2395-9126, both granted by Instituto Nacional del Derecho de Autor (Mexico). Last updates edition by M.SC. Carla Ivonne Guerrero Robles, Vázquez de Mella 481, piso 2, Local 200, Polanco I Sección, Miguel Hidalgo, Ciudad de México, Z.P. 11510, México. Phone: (55) 5574-4505, last updated: February 7, 2024. All contents including photographs, pictures, and drawings are the sole responsibility of the authors. Opinions expressed by the authors do not necessarily reflects the opinion of the journal or the editors.